
Some say we look good together
Some say we shouldn't talk
Some say you aren't meant for me
Some say I deserve more
Some say I shouldn't listen to them and trust you

But, what can I do if I can't stop thinking about you?
What can I do if I like you?
What can I do if I think that I'm in love?

You just want sex
I just want attention
You just want a chick
I just want a lover

Some say you could probably hit another girl
Some say you would probably find someone more interesting
Some say you should take another look, decide if you don't want someone else
Some say you will just take a turn after a week or two, maybe three
Some say we shouldn't try it at all

But, what do you want?
What do you think that could happen?
What do you say we should do?

I just want to try it
You just want to play
I just feel better with you
You just put me aside

I say we could try something
I say we would be something more than what they think
I say we should try because we can be more than we think
I say we could go somewhere together
I say we should probably do something with these feelings

But, you listen to them
Why does their word mean a thing?
But, you don't think on your own
How did they get into your head?

So what do you say
Without their voices in your head
Can you even think alone?
Think if they are really inside you 
Or if the person I fell in love with is still there

If that person is alive
Tell me something I don't know
Tell me something I should know
Maybe, if you want
We can write our future together
Start again, just us


  1. Amei, tens muito talento. Tens o meu apoio e o da Mariana Pacheco. Gostamos muito de ti (só um bocadinho)! <3


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