touch me

Another day has gone by and I'm desperate for Your presence. 
Another day has gone by and I'm desperate for Your touch and guidance.

I'm desperate for directions. What can I do besides follow Your Name? What can I do besides trust in You?

You have given me everything and yet I am always one step behind. You have done so much for me and yet my faith is still so little. Why can't I just believe in Your word? Why can't I just follow Your rules?

Touch me, put that fire in me, burn the old me and make me new again.
Let me follow You and may my faith grow every day so I can become more like what You want me to be and more like Jesus.

May Your presence be felt through me
May Your love be seen from me
May Your Spirit be in me
May You guide me
May Your Son be my light
May You be my only way

So I can become who You say I am
So I can be what You want me to be
So I can have Your dreams
So I can follow Your steps
So I can do Your work
So I can be used by You

Because all I need is Your Presence
Because all I need is Your Word
Because all I need is Your Touch
Because all I need is Your Grace
Because all I need is Your Protection
Because all I need is You

And all of this, because I believe in a world that follows You, a world that knows Your name, a world that seeks You and Your touch just like I do.
All of this because I believe they need You, Lord, just like I did.
All of this because even when we do not notice Your hand is all over our lives and Your Spirit enlightens our days.
All of this because I know You will always love us like You promised You would.

1 Corinthians 13:2 KJV
"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing."
