all i know

I gave up on trying to make others think that I am happy,
I gave up on trying to make others like me,
I gave up on trying to make others worry.

I feel like everything is falling apart like if every little thing
built is going down and my dreams are
going to the pipe.
Little by little I am losing the will of keep going and return
to try every one of the things that I tried
and went wrong.
I feel tired, not physically, but emotionally, I can't keep doing
nothing, or I start thinking about
everything that is going wrong, but at the same time, I can't
do nothing because I can't focus on what
I have to do.

It is like little by little I am losing a part of me and cominga
back to that little child that would lay under
the bed when was afraid of something. It is like slowly I am
losing all my strength even when I am
not even doing nothing. It is like slowly I am losing everything
I have earned with the years.

I start to feel that it's work done for nothing, that no longer
has sense, that is not going to get better.

But then I think if the world was gone tomorrow, had I
enjoyed love enough?
If I was gone tomorrow, what would be my legacy?
What would be my mark on the world?
What would be the impression that I was leaving behind?

And for much that I want to stop the time, do nothing,
end everything e rid myself slowly of every on
a piece of me.

I can not because it is not like that.
Because I do not give up, I go on.
I do not give up, I persist.
I do not give up, I prosper.

We live in a society that teaches us that fear is with us, we
live in a society that itself makes us grow
with a fear of life, with fear of keep going, that teaches to
give up because we have to learn to say no
and keep going, that fear is not taking us to any place,
it is going to try to put us down, it is trying to
make us give up.

But we are here, to keep going, to persist, to prosper.

I know that it will be a day that I am going to make it and
that why I haven't give up.
I know that it will be a day that I will be able to say that
was worth it, am I waiting for it or is it waiting
for me?
I know that it will be a day that I will have everything I have ever dreamed of, that I will be standing
by my Father, that is going to give me everything I need.
I know that it will be a moment that I will say that truly everything is good, without this phrase
meaning or subtending that I don't feel ready to talk or simply I don't want to.

But this is all I know, I don't know anything else, I don't
know what to do.


  1. "Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats."
    - Voltaire


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