what could happen if you did it?

Sometimes the secret is not ‘believing you can do it’, it’s ‘doing it even though you don’t believe’ and truly just showing up for yourself every moment.

And making it happen.

Even if you don’t believe it, but dream it, you can make it come true.

So, what could happen if you decided to show up for yourself?

I faced this though in January as I was climbing Montserrat. It was a 2-hour trail. I was in a mini-skirt. And not even mid-way through, I wanted to give up and go back. And I asked myself why and what could happen if I decided to do it.

I did it! I did that trail and then even did another 45-minute one.

That day for me was a mindset shift and 2024 truly became the year of ‘what if I do it? What can happen if I start showing up for myself?’

And, in February, as I am writing this:

  • I have sent my first book to publishers - and what if I get no yeses? No worries, I showed up for myself and put my project out there, let's see what happens! Maybe you could read my first book this year!
  • I am starting my driver's license in a couple months, after years of being afraid to do it!
  • I started running every day – after months of wanting and questioning if I could do it – I was never a runner girl!
  • I am writing my first romance book - started on a trip and it's taking a toll on me to keep going, but what could happen if I continue writing?! 

So, what could happen in your life, if YOU decided to show up for yourself and do something YOU have been wishing and dreaming of doing?

I believe that 2024 is the year of living the dreams, not just dreaming, which was what I was doing all 2023, just dreaming and living. No, 2024 is the year of actually making it happen, of showing up and doing it.

What could happen is:

  1. You would be happier, because you would not just be living day to day, routine, but going after something more, something else you want!
  2. You would feel more accomplished because you would be doing something more!
  3. You would become a better version of yourself and with that, you would look for even more!
  4. You would dream bigger!
  5. You would love yourself more, because as you are doing something for yourself and your future self, putting in the work, as in running, writing, reading or something else you love to do, you would be doing present and future you a blessing!

These are 5 positive consequences. There are so many more!

So, what are you going to do? Are YOU going to bet on yourself and make it happen, not only write the life of your dreams but actually live it?

At the beginning of every year, we all write the goals and maybe make the vision boards, but then January ends, February starts, and the new year vibes are gone, and we go back to the routine we have always – are you doing something different this year?

How did you feel all last year? Just living the day-to-day. Maybe you felt unaccomplished, maybe you didn’t start that hobby you wanted, maybe you stopped something you loved, maybe you lost that friendship because you didn’t put in the work, maybe your relationship hit a wall and you still haven’t done anything about it, maybe you just stopped feeling anything altogether.

So, what are you going to do to change that this year?
Think about it: what could happen if you actually committed?
