"something out of a movie" love

I'm fed up with people who talk about relationships as if it something easy, and who say that true love is simple, without pain or fear.


I'm fed up with people who give relationship advice without permission, I've been that person and sometimes I still am – and yes, I am mad with myself when I do it.


But I'm really fed up with those who don't understand that it's necessary to fight for someone and who don't 'understand' - as if they had to - the pain and tears of others in their own relationships - as if they were inside the relationship.


I'm fed up with this generation that moves from one special person to another, from one love to another, because of a little pain, or a mistake. A generation that has lost the desire to be with someone for a reason greater than "but he makes me laugh". A generation that has lost the meaning of true love and is looking for that reason in films and series (which barely do justice to reality).


Please note: I consider my first love to be "something out of a movie", one of those classics in which the characters reconnect again after 20 years or fight for each other overseas and mountains. I don't consider myself to be Rapunzel (although I could find a lot of similarities in this case), nor do I consider myself to be in the style of a Titanic film (critical if that's the case).


A relationship without drama, fears, tears, without pain is a relationship in which you don't celebrate and rejoice in laughter, madness, happiness and the little things of conquest and affection.


Attention: I'm also not questioning relationships with physical, mental or emotional abuse, or blackmail in any form and the list would be long. RUN AND GUARD YOUR HEART!


A lasting relationship will always be one in which you don't let the pain of the moment overtake the love of a lifetime. That you don't lose the vision of a lifetime over something you won't remember in a week's time - that's my go-to thought process in relationship.


Don't get hung up on "he'll change" and "if I gave/did this, so must my partner" - try to be the best person your lover can have and needs you to be and be okay with your posture and position as a person and a lover in your relationship and - I won't promise you this, but I can and will prophesy - that your lover will do the same for you.


And while we're here, don't let yourself be pressured by the world's standards or the questions of family and friends who only see you from time to time and are curious.

Follow your rhythm and your heart and believe that life has so much more to give.


(january 2023)
