the journey of the state of mind

One step closer! Every day, we are one step closer, one day closer to the end of our big road trip called life.


I used to wonder every day what the so-called “life” was like. I thought the adults had a “life” but then I realized I had a “life” – sorry there are a lot of “” in the phrase, it makes sense at the end don’t worry eh eh. I got to the conclusion that when you are a child, teenager and young adult, every day still counts, every day summons up at the end! Not only the “adult life” but all that came before that and that helped you and made you get to adulthood!


Then I started wondering what I was doing daily to help me get through “life”. I still don’t know today! I don’t wake up to a feeling of total knowledge of it and that’s normal! It’s okay!

But now I don’t live daily without knowing that every action and decision matters more than it used to in my head! I wake up knowing that there are consequences (that aren’t only negative - and that’s great!) to everything. And I wake up knowing that I’m not living just a lie of a life, that everything has a purpose, even the smallest little things – the way you behave in a matter or how you respond mentally and emotionally to a situation – and all of them help you every day to become a better person.


Because of having this mindset now, sometimes anxiety kicks in because “I didn’t do everything I had to do today”. Now I am changing this mindset into “I did this and this, I didn’t do that, but that’s okay”.


“Life” is all about acknowledging your own problems and getting on top of them just like that and it’s more mental than we would think – it’s a constant battle in our minds and hearts, not between them, but them with what’s happening around us. And I hope this makes sense to you. Let me explain better: especially during the teen years, normally we think that our mind and heart are in a constant battle with each other, and I’ve written a lot with this mindset and if you scroll down in the blog, you will most certainly discover through my words and the way and topics I write about how it changes, and my views changed throughout the years. Once I started to grow up, especially when I moved out of my parents’ house, started therapy and I had to do analyse and build another routine to welcome all the new responsibilities, I started to notice that the moments that looked like the heart and the mind were fighting were moments when one of them was trying to warn me about something that I wasn’t noticing.

My brain would go into defence mode with a “fight” moment, that I had to defend myself or someone, or my work and in those moments, my heart would and sometimes still goes “don’t worry”. And when my heart feels threatened by a feeling of a situation or how someone treats me, my heart goes into rational mode as expected.


The truth is that in either of the situations we need to realise that the heart is doing its part and the brain it’s going to do theirs. You need to trust it and believe both just want to protect you! And until you develop this mindset, you need to be in constant remembrance of the truth.


But if you take 1 minute to think about what is making you go so tired home or why you got so angry at a situation. You may find something you won’t like, a problem you didn’t think you know existed, but a problem has always a solution! It only depends on your mindset!
