to my future self

Resultado de imagem para future sketch letteringHi love,

I hope everything is going great and whenever you're reading this you've accomplished as many dreams as you could or you've been living as I wish right now.

To remember:
Life is not always by your side,
Or you run or you lose it because life is not going after you or wait for you,
Dream, dream a lot, and not only sleeping, don't let your dreams go with time,
Get your shi(t) together or you won't be able to continue,

Don't you dare:
Forgetting your first love,
Forgetting your dreams and passion,
Forgetting you're loved and incredibly beautiful,
Forgetting you're amazing but extremely difficult to deal with (we both now that).

Don't ever stop:
Being that beautiful smiley little girl/boy,
Having that wonderful innocence,

Just that, with love,
You're little self.
